We remove most all things from the skin that need attention

In many cases, however, although a spot may seem small, complete removal may entail a much more involved process, particularly when working on the face. There are many non-cancerous conditions that require surgical removal, and we are happy to examine these growths and consult with you regarding what is involved with treatment, recovery, and permanent changes to the skin.

Benign Conditions

Benign conditions that may be treated surgically include:

  • Dysplastic Nevi (irregular moles)
  • Epidermoid cysts
  • Pilar cysts
  • Lipomas
  • Trichoepitheliomas
  • Hidrocystomas
  • Dermatofibromas

We are experts in the interaction between lasers and the skin

Beyond surgical approaches to benign conditions, we are equipped to treat a variety of medical conditions with lasers. A thorough examination and consultation is required to determine if you are a good candidate for these approaches.

In the vast majority of cases, treatments with laser are not covered by insurance. Conditions that may be treated with laser surgery include:

  • Acne
  • Acne scarring
  • Rhinophyma
  • Rosacea
  • Scars (surgical, traumatic, burns)
  • Leg veins
  • Venous lakes (dark purple spots on the lips)
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Port wine stains
  • Birthmarks
  • Melasma

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

Rochester Dermatologic Surgery is an established center for the treatment of damage due to chronic sun exposure using a technique called photodynamic therapy, or PDT. This is a two-step procedure where your physician will apply a medicine to your skin that is selectively absorbed by skin with precancerous changes known as actinic keratoses.

After an incubation period of 1-2 hours, the treated skin is then illuminated with a special light to activate the medicine to remove the precancers. This results in a sun burn-like reaction of the skin with peeling of the affected skin over the next several days.

Once this process is completed, there is a significant reversal of sun damage with a healthier feel and appearance to the skin. This can also reduce the development of skin cancer over time.