Dr. Sherrif Ibrahim Contributes to the Development of Sciton’s mJOULE System for Groundbreaking Vascular Treatments

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

In this recent article, PRNewswire talks about how Sciton is making its mJOULE system even better by adding new ways to treat blood vessels, which could be on the face, legs, or other parts of the body.

This is a machine Dr. Sherrif Ibrahim helped develop and uses at Rochester Dermatologic Surgery to address a variety of skin concerns. With the new update, Dr. Ibrahim looks forward to expanding treatment options for patients with vascular issues.

Dr. Ibrahim is an expert in skin treatments. He uses Sciton lasers for many procedures because they are top-of-the-line. Plus, he has a special role in advising Sciton on new technologies, making the machines even better for the future of skincare.