Update: 8/31/21 - We are unable to make outbound calls. We are working on resolving this issue. Please text at (585) 449-4146 or fill out a contact form.
Rochester Dermatologic Surgery is abiding by all local, state, and national guidelines regarding the management of medical offices and public places with respect to COVID-19 precautions.
We understand that this is one of the most serious public health crises that our community has faced and are doing everything to ensure your safety and comfort during your visit to our facility. We have made appropriate modifications in our patient flow to minimize risk to our guests and staff.
We ask that patients with upcoming appointments respect the recommendations put forth by the State of New York and that you:
Your comfort and safety are our top priority. To achieve these goals we have implemented the following changes:
Rochester Dermatologic Surgery is abiding by all local, state, and national guidelines regarding the management of medical offices and public places with respect to COVID-19 precautions.
We understand that this is one of the most serious public health crises that our community has faced and are doing everything to ensure your safety and comfort during your visit to our facility. We have made appropriate modifications in our patient flow to minimize risk to our guests and staff.
We ask that patients with upcoming appointments respect the recommendations put forth by the State of New York and that you:
Your comfort and safety are our top priority. To achieve these goals we have implemented the following changes:
We have worked hard to credential our practice with all major payers in the area. If you do not see your insurance provider on the list, contact our office prior to your visit, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Rochester Dermatologic Surgery is abiding by all local, state, and national guidelines regarding the management of medical offices and public places with respect to COVID-19 precautions.
We understand that this is one of the most serious public health crises that our community has faced and are doing everything to ensure your safety and comfort during your visit to our facility. We have made appropriate modifications in our patient flow to minimize risk to our guests and staff.
We ask that patients with upcoming appointments respect the recommendations put forth by the State of New York and that you:
Your comfort and safety are our top priority. To achieve these goals we have implemented the following changes:
We have worked hard to credential our practice with all major payers in the area. If you do not see your insurance provider on the list, contact our office prior to your visit, and we will do our best to accommodate you.