Dr. Ibrahim Discusses Castle Biosciences’ New Gene Expression Profiling Test

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim, In The Media

In this press release, Dr. Sherrif Ibrahim comments on the utility of Castle Biosciences’ new gene expression profiling test for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).  We are seeing so many cases each day of SCC at Rochester Dermatologic Surgery. Although most of these cancers are cured easily in our office with surgery, we know that as many as 1 in 20 …

Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology Conference in Las Vegas

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim, In The Media

Dr. Sherrif Ibrahim has been invited as a faculty member to speak at the Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology Conference in June. This is among the world’s greatest gatherings of specialists dedicated to aesthetic medicine. This year’s conference will be available in both in-person and livestream options. Dr. Ibrahim will speak about the powerful combination of Sciton MOXI laser …

New York State Passes Teen Tan Ban – But Does It Matter?

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

Every great civilization has had an unwavering reverence for the sun. It has played a central role in religion, mythology, medicine, and as a sign of socioeconomic status. In the early 1900’s, a tan was considered a sign that someone was a field laborer or of low class. With the industrial revolution, however, there was a shift of the labor …

The Myth of the “Base Tan”

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

With spring break around the corner and a year of being quarantined in our homes, the excitement of imminent warm weather is tangible. With the longer days and higher temperatures come more opportunities for us to get out in the sun and spend some much-needed time outdoors. For many of us, the season kicks off with a spring break trip …

New Treatments Aim to Increase Survival Rate

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim, In The Media

In this article, Dr. Ibrahim is interviewed by Dermatology Times to discuss some of the recent advances in the field of skin cancer. As a key opinion leader in the field, Dr. Ibrahim and the team at Rochester Dermatologic Surgery, are deeply involved in the development of the latest techniques in skin cancer treatment and management. This is what he …

The Halo Selfie Filter

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim, In The Media

In this article, Dr. Ibrahim is interviewed by New You Magazine about the transformative results seen with Halo resurfacing of the skin. As a member of the Sciton lasers strategic advisory board, Dr. Ibrahim has a wealth of knowledge and experience in obtaining incredible results with the interaction of lasers and the skin. Conditions such as uneven color and texture, …

Don’t Fall for It: You Still Need Sun Protection

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

As the weather gets cooler and the days grow shorter, it’s easy to think that you don’t need sunscreen anymore. After all, you’re just taking the dog for a walk, running a few errands or going to work. You’re just outside for a few minutes. And you’re wearing a jacket. That should have you covered, right? Nope. No matter how …

Why You Should Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

As hindsight is officially 2020, we look forward to forgetting the hardships of the past year and anticipating the excitement of 2021. We are not out of the woods yet, however, when it comes to conquering the devastation caused by the global COVID-19 outbreak.  For many of us, the reality of the COVID outbreak in the Spring of 2020 did …

Early Detection Starts with You

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

“I just thought it was a pimple, but it didn’t go away.”  This is hands-down the most common description we hear when our patients describe the appearance of their first skin cancer. In your mind, perhaps the thought of skin cancer is an ugly black or brown obvious blob on the skin. In reality, however, the vast majority of skin …

Can Sunscreen Use Cause Cancer?

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

There has been a lot of media buzz lately about potentially dangerous effects related to the chronic use of sunscreen. While I do believe we have to examine and understand any product that we apply to our bodies, there is a great deal of confusion surrounding this topic. First of all, there are two main categories of sunscreens – chemical …