Say What?!

The Skin Cancer Foundation

Read More Staff members share the most surprising things they’ve learned since joining The Skin Cancer Foundation. Did you know that one in five Americans will have skin cancer during the course of a lifetime? It’s OK if you didn’t — this statistic isn’t necessarily common knowledge. Asking anyone at The Skin Cancer Foundation, however, would be akin to asking …

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Lips

The Skin Cancer Foundation

Read More I’ll admit it: I let myself go a little bit in the winter time. Despite my earnest moisturizing efforts, my hands and face are dry. I can’t remember the last time I had my nails done. The thought of going out in the cold for after work salon appointments when I can instead hurry home to my sweatpants …

Don’t Fall for It: You Still Need Sun Protection

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

As the weather gets cooler and the days grow shorter, it’s easy to think that you don’t need sunscreen anymore. After all, you’re just taking the dog for a walk, running a few errands or going to work. You’re just outside for a few minutes. And you’re wearing a jacket. That should have you covered, right? Nope. No matter how …

Why You Should Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

As hindsight is officially 2020, we look forward to forgetting the hardships of the past year and anticipating the excitement of 2021. We are not out of the woods yet, however, when it comes to conquering the devastation caused by the global COVID-19 outbreak.  For many of us, the reality of the COVID outbreak in the Spring of 2020 did …

Building the Robins Nest

The Skin Cancer Foundation

Read More This Skin Cancer Foundation program was created in 2020 to help connect skin cancer patients with the many resources available. For many years, The Skin Cancer Foundation has received calls, emails, Facebook messages and handwritten letters from those affected by skin cancer asking for help. Many reach out with a variation of one question that comes up at …

In A Year of Hardship, You Helped Us Make So Much Happen

The Skin Cancer Foundation

Read More You’d be hard-pressed to find many people who claim 2020 was a great year, thanks in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite a year of challenges, The Skin Cancer Foundation’s community of healthy skin champions, physicians, donors and corporate partners came together in innovative ways to help us continue our lifesaving work. With your help, we’ve kept …

Cold Dry Air Requires a Little Extra Skin Care

The Skin Cancer Foundation

Read More Here at The Skin Cancer Foundation, we spend a lot of time talking about skin cancer, but we’re also concerned with overall skin health. That means not only protecting your skin from sun damage, but also giving the largest organ in your body some TLC throughout the year. Bitterly cold weather can be particularly harsh on your skin. …

Early Detection Starts with You

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

“I just thought it was a pimple, but it didn’t go away.”  This is hands-down the most common description we hear when our patients describe the appearance of their first skin cancer. In your mind, perhaps the thought of skin cancer is an ugly black or brown obvious blob on the skin. In reality, however, the vast majority of skin …

Can Sunscreen Use Cause Cancer?

Dr. Sherrif IbrahimDr. Sherrif Ibrahim

There has been a lot of media buzz lately about potentially dangerous effects related to the chronic use of sunscreen. While I do believe we have to examine and understand any product that we apply to our bodies, there is a great deal of confusion surrounding this topic. First of all, there are two main categories of sunscreens – chemical …